My foundation for understanding plants and the healing they provide stems from practicing aromatherapy and wholistic esthetics. I am careful with my practice of sustainability and do not source from endangered ecosystems. In fact, many of the products I formulate begin with plants I have lived beside as well as, cared for in gardens and the wild. I acknowledge their medicine and chemistry as complex and precious.
The longer I work with plants, the deeper my understanding for their right to have a healthful life experience and not be subjected to over harvesting, misunderstanding and human greed. We are in an intimate relationship with life forms whose time and experience on this planet far surpass our collective knowledge as humans.
Botanical Creations
Purchase Botanical Creations Here
Book Online, click Botanical Creations then select read more for a current list of self care products
Oil Infusions are created by soaking herbs and flowers, resins, bark and sometimes roots in botanical oils. Some oil infusions steep for up to 6 months. I allow the process to unfold naturally and am guided by the how the botanicals are absorbed into the various oil bases.
With time and attention, and using a cold infusion method, the botanical oils absorb the added ingredients (plants/herbs/flowers) to assist in decreasing symptoms of pain and inflammation, calm muscle spasms, heal skin and soft tissue. Through exposure to music, sometimes a full moon or an eclipse and Solfeggio frequencies the oils are infused with additional energies.
Imagery and information about plants and healing through Instagram@ five28_hz.
Oil Infusions are created for use in aromatherapy blends and inspired botanical creations.
This Frankincense resin infused for a year in a quiet safe space, brought out for special occasions, like new moon and eclipse energy.
It has been invaluable for medicine and blends ranging from skin repair to providing emotional comfort. In addition to the physical attributes Frankincense may offer an emotional sensation of grounding and assist with meditation and spiritual connection.
I use this ancient tree resin sparingly because of the increased endangerment to the Frankincense trees. See my Resource Page for details.
Hearthealings Aromatherapy
Bespoke Aromatherapy Formulations
Aromatherapy appointments are conducted to create a bespoke healing agent. This may include a 1oz oil formulation to support physical, emotional or spiritual need.
I have formulated for life transitions including the end of life and grief, in addition to blending for the enhancement of meditation & prayer, to increase focus or ease achy joints. Selfcare is a personal journey, blends are uniquely formulated for you.
Schedule a Hearthealing Aromatherapy session.
Aromatherapy Herbal Steam
Bespoke herbal steams can be used for sinuses, pores, and meditation. Your personalized herbal mixture will provide between 3 and 4 facial steams. You can re-use (re-purpose) the herbal steam for a footbath to stretch the use from these medicinal plants. I love this because it provides you with two selfcare opportunities (an herbal steam and additional foot bath) with one product.
Inhalation of herbs and flowers can clear sinuses and infuse mucus membranes (eyes, nose and mouth) with anti-microbial essential oils released by the plants as they are heated by the hot water. Plant blends can assist with clearing pores and reducing breakouts. They can support immune system before, during and after illness or allergies.
When I steam, I bring my awareness into the present, noticing the sensation of heat and the aroma of the plants. Taking deep steady breaths I try to slow my breathing. Set a timer for 8 minutes and give your Self a moment to quiet the mind.
Schedule a Hearthealing Aromatherapy session.
Additional Resources
Aromatic Herbal Baths of the Ancients (link also on resource page)
Warmer noses are better at fighting colds: A study;
Aromatherapy Inhaler
Aromatherapy formulations may include a personal inhaler to support physical or emotional needs. Inhalers are discreet and travel well in pockets, purses and cars. I use an inhaler to decrease my anxiety and steady my focus before driving.
Inhalers can be formulated to encourage mental grounding, clarity & focus, to decrease stress or enhance meditation & prayer. Selfcare is a personal journey, blends are uniquely formulated for you.
Schedule a Hearthealing Aromatherapy session.